Monday, February 22, 2010

Geisert's Creation Sculpture 12:10 pm

At 12:10, the Elephant's head, the pod-like shapes, the goat, turtle, and fly were in high contrast.

- Duncan

Geisert's Creation Sculpture 10:00

These were photographed immediately after chapel around 10:05. The elephant, snake, grasshopper, and fish were set off by the strongest lights and shadows. Here are a few detail shots:

- Duncan

Geisert's Creation Sculpture 11:00


These were taken the following day at an earlier time. The sun was out, but the shadows were not quite as stark. This time, the dinosaur and camel were more distinct due to the light source.

- Duncan

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Geisert's Creation Sculpture 1:00 pm

Photographed around 1:15

Arthur Geisert's Creation sculpture sits in front of the music building. Since it's cylindrical, you could easily see how light changes it as the day goes by. Around 1:00 p.m. a tree cast its wild shadow across the sculpture. The strongest divisions between light and shadow I found at this time of day rested on the owl.

- Duncan

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



I usually think of Ash Wednesday and lent as more somber occasions, remembering Christ's sacrifice, but some anonymous person came from chapel and wrote this very joyous message in the snow. Even in the time period we remember Christ's last days on earth before the crucifixion, don't forget about the joy of the resurrection.

Also, the sun is out, which means it'll be easier for me to find objects that change dramatically during the day. Look at the shadows created by the snow drift and the trees, contrasting starkly with the glaring snow!


- Duncan

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Light on a Bible Notebook - 2

By 5:00, the sun had moved and created new shadows on the basket.


This comment was posted on the original site for the blog:

I do think this is a most incredible website for proclaiming great wonders of Our God!

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersosemeeta

Light on a Bible Notebook

I try not to arrange the things. I try not to touch them and make some compositions. I have to find the things just the way they are…because people will say, 'Well, you’re an artist. You can make all these nice arrangements so they look good,' and I’m trying to say, 'No, I’m not going to touch them, and you can find the same things that I’m finding.' - Marxhausen in an interview for Time Lines

As I continue to put the lessons I've learned from Marxhausen into practice, I am trying to find compositions which change during the course of the day. I found this little notebook set on a basket of Bible study materials against a brightly colored backdrop. I didn't touch these objects, but rather photographed them as I found them. This was shot at 1:40, with the sun high in the sky on a partially cloudy day.

- Duncan

Friday, February 12, 2010

Learning how to See

Marxhausen taught that seeing is an aggressive act. When a group of art students watched the documentaries about his art, many were surprised to see that he taught art classes outside whenever the weather permitted. His way of seeing seems alien to less experienced artists.

I've decided to practice looking for the kinds of things in nature Marxy taught his students to look for: I'm going to explore how light at different times of day affects certain objects, and I'm going to look for seemingly uninteresting or ugly objects which strike me as aesthetic.

This caught my eye while doing laundry. I saw subtle streaks creating texture around a drain, and the red-orange color of the rusty chair leg complements the red-violet of the drain.

- Duncan

My friend Amber left this comment on the original blog site:

Keep at it! I think you'll find what Marxy is talking about the more you just keep at it. :) How fun!

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmber